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Alburgh, VT, United States
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Welcome to Cedarvale Estates

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Break-In ALERT!!

  Word has come to our Association officers from Point of Tongue Road residents regarding a serious break in that resulted in property damage and loss of many articles from a home on the northern end of that road.

It is our understanding that, two weeks ago, one or more persons broke windows to gain access to 20 Point of Tongue Road sometime between the owners' weekend visits. Much of the home's contents was taken--certainly anything of value. It is assumed that the items were stolen to be resold, perhaps through some common outlet such as Craigs List.

Residents on Point of Tongue who spoke with two of the year-round families on Cedarvale thought  that #20 may have been chosen because it was clear no one was home--there is no garage into which a resident could put a car and no car in the driveway.

With economic times being what they are, it is not surprising that thieves are looking for ways to get money--and our seasonal homes are vulnerable. Since we have five families who live year-round on Cedarvale and can be seen coming and going all winter,  we may want to take the relatively simple step of buying some large Neighborhood Watch signs to post on the road, and individual homeowners may want smaller signs to place on their properties. If this seems like a good idea, check out the Neighborhood Watch website--nnwi.org--and you'll see that plastic signage is very inexpensive. There's no guarantee it'll work, but if our year-round neighbors don't mind being the "eyes" of the road when most residents are gone, it may be a worthwhile endeavor, with the understanding, of course, that they will be doing the seasonal residents a favor and not assuming any sort of liability.

Please let us know what you think about the Association buying the large signs (plastic 12"x12" @$4.95)--and if everyone agrees, buying at least one small sign for each property (plastic 5"x5" @$2.30). We'll need to know very soon, since most folks have left for the season, and we don't want to impose the installation of the signs on the year-round residents. Of course, if you have another idea or suggestion, let us know and we'll publish it!

Call Jim Wyman at 802.793.4632, Jim McCready at 802.796.3208 or Judith Lawson at 802.796.3456.

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